10 recipes for Thai desserts originating from Thao Thong Kip Ma Sweet and juicy, following in the footsteps of famous dramas

10 recipes for Thai desserts originating from Thao Thong Kip Ma Sweet and juicy, following in the footsteps of famous dramas


1. Foi Thong

Who wants to eat juicy Foi Thong with fresh syrup? Meet the Foi Thong menu Start by beating the egg yolk until it’s a smooth paste, then sprinkle it in pandan syrup. You can eat it plain or use it as a filling for bread or cake decoration.

Ingredients: Foi Thong

6 duck eggs
β€’ 3 chicken eggs
β€’ 1 kilogram of white sugar
β€’ 1,000 milliliters of jasmine drifting water (or water blended in with jasmine fragrance)
β€’ 4 pandanus leaves (integrated)

Foi Thong making equipment

β€’ Brass pan
β€’ Banana leaf cone or metal cone
β€’ Pointed stick about 1 foot long
β€’ Sieve
β€’ Syrup tray

How to make Foi Thong

1. Separate the egg yolks and egg whites and carry out the iced eggs. (Egg white which is clear water like dew stuck inside the egg shell) into the egg yolk (Egg dew makes the brilliant strands tacky and delicate and doesn’t break without any problem). Blend the egg yolk until it is uniform. (Don’t bother beating until soft. (It will make the noodles break when sprinkled into the container.) Then strain through cheesecloth and plan.
2. Make syrup by adding jasmine blossom water, granulated sugar, and pandanus passes on to the pot. Heat to the point of boiling over medium intensity and hold on until the sugar disintegrates. Then, at that point, strain it and empty it into a metal dish. Stew over low intensity again until thick.
3. Spoon the egg yolk blend into a cone and tenderly sprinkle the egg yolk into the bubbling syrup (utilize medium intensity). Circle the dish around 20-30 times for each piece, then, at that point, lift the cone up.

2. Thongyip

If Foi Thong is too difficult to make, try changing to making Thong Yib menu. The only ingredients are egg yolks and syrup. Once the mixture has been poured in, take it out and pleat it beautifully. And to keep its shape, it is served in a cup.

Ingredients Thongyib

4 duck egg yolks
β€’ 3 cups water
β€’ 1+1/2 cups suga

How to make Thong Yip

1. Add water and sugar to the metal container. Heat to the point of boiling over low intensity, mix until liquefied, switch off the intensity, leave until cool, then, at that point, strain with cheesecloth. When gotten done, empty the syrup into the metal container. Utilize medium intensity until the syrup is hot. Yet, don’t allow it to bubble over.
2. Beat the egg yolk combination until fleecy. Scoop drops into the syrup. At the point when the two sides are cooked, scoop out. Put away to cool then, at that point, crease perfectly, place in a bowl and serve.

3. Thong Yod

On holiday, why not invite the kids to make Thong Yod menu? Thong Yot uses Thong Yot flour and egg yolk. The syrup is made from jasmine flower water and sugar. Guaranteed to be both delicious and fun to drink.

Thong Yod Ingredients

β€’ Egg yolks of 9 duck eggs
β€’ 1/2 cup Thong Yod flour (or rice flour)
β€’ 2+1/2 cups sugar
β€’ 2+1/2 cups jasmine water (optional)

How to make Thong Yod

1. Pour jasmine blossom water and sugar into a metal container. Bring to a stew over high intensity and stew for another 10-15 minutes or until the syrup thickens. Scoop out a piece for splashing the cooked Strap Yot. Set the other part ablaze.
2. Channel the egg yolks through a cheesecloth. Beat until cushioned. Add the flour and blend until consolidated. When gotten done, drop it into bubbling syrup. The technique for dropping is to utilize the tip of a curry spoon to gather up the blend and afterward utilize the tip of your thumb to drive it into the skillet. Or on the other hand utilize your thumb, forefinger, and center finger to get the blend into proper balls. Then flick it into the syrup. At the point when cooked they will drift up and utilize a sifter to scoop them out and save in a bowl of syrup. Orchestrate in serving compartments

4. Thong Muan

This recipe for Thong Muan is a recipe that has been adapted to make it easier. With a waffle maker Mix the flour with eggs, palm sugar, and coconut milk. Add fragrance and beauty with black sesame seeds. Then place it in a waffle tin until cooked.

Ingredients of Thong Muan

β€’ 180 grams of all-purpose wheat flour
β€’ 1 tablespoon of arrowroot flour
β€’ 1/2 teaspoon of salt
β€’ 1 tablespoon of rice flour (additional)
β€’ 2 eggs
β€’ 140 grams of palm sugar (or palm sugar)
β€’ Candle-smoked coconut milk 1+ 3/4 cup
β€’ 30 ml. lime water
β€’ 1 teaspoon black sesame seeds

How to make cone-shaped Thong Muan:

1. Add regular baking flour. Place arrowroot powder, salt and rice flour in a blending bowl. Followed by eggs and palm sugar. Mix to blend well.
2. Pour in coconut milk and flame smoke and blend well once more. Pour in lime water and blend well. Add dark sesame seeds.
3. Turn on the waffle cone producer to warm. Scoop out around 1 spoonful of flour and drop the rice into it. Stand by around 1 moment until it’s cooked. Rush and carry it out in a cone shape. While the mixture is as yet hot Or anybody who needs to move it in the general manner is agreeable

5. Curry puff

From having previously bought curry puffs from a famous store Let’s try doing it ourselves. Meet the curry menu There is a method for making the inner dough and outer dough along with delicious chicken filling. Eat warm and delicious.

Ingredients: Inner Powder

140 grams of all-purpose wheat flour
β€’ 6 tablespoons of vegetable oil

Ingredients: Outer layer of flour

β€’ 270 grams of all-purpose wheat flour
β€’ 6 tablespoons of vegetable oil
β€’ 6 tablespoons of lime water
β€’ 1 tablespoon of sugar
β€’ 1 teaspoon of salt
β€’ 6 tablespoons of cold water

Ingredients for curry puff filling

β€’ Onion (cut into small dice) 100 g.
β€’ Chopped shallot 20 g.
β€’ Chicken breast 200 g.
β€’ Purple sweet potato or potato (cut into small dice) 300 g. (Boil for about 5 minutes, then drain and set aside)
β€’ Sauce Season 2-3 tablespoons
β€’ 1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons sugar
β€’ 1 teaspoon salt
β€’ 1 teaspoon ground pepper β€’
1+1/2 teaspoon curry powder
β€’ Butter or vegetable oil (for frying)

How to make curry puff

1. Make the inward mixture by sieving the flour once and making a well in the focal point of the batter. Put vegetable oil into the opening. Utilize a spatula to overlay until the mixture meets up. Then utilize your hands to work until the mixture is smooth.
2. Make the external mixture by filtering the flour once, then, at that point, make an opening in the batter in the center.
3. Blend lime water, granulated sugar, salt, and cold water together. Mix until disintegrated. Fill the flour well. Follow with vegetable oil and manipulate well.
4. Partition both mixture into 10 equivalent measured balls. (This recipe will make 10 balls, 30 grams of inward flour, 50 grams of external flour, making a sum of 30 curry puffs.) Carry out the external layer of batter into sheets, then, at that point, cover it with the internal layer of mixture. Fold it into a ball and let the mixture rest for around 10 minutes. Take the refreshed batter and roll it into a long sheet by moving all over just, then roll the mixture firmly.
5. Make the curry puff baked good by adding a little spread to the container. At the point when the spread is hot, add the onion and broil until brilliant and fragrant. Follow with shallots, pan sear until fragrant, add chicken and sautΓ©ed food until prepared through. Season with sugar, preparing sauce, salt, ground pepper and curry powder. Add the bubbled potatoes and mix until consolidated. Mix until the fixings are dry. Eliminate from the intensity, move to a plate and put away until the fixings are totally dry.
6. Wrap curry puffs by taking 1 wad of moved mixture and moving it longwise to a length of roughly 5-6 inches (**Roll up-Just down Don’t move to the side**) Then roll the batter firmly. Hold the mixture in an upward direction and carry it out to a length of around 10-11 inches. Then, at that point, roll the mixture firmly. Partition the batter into 3 sections. Allow the batter to rest for around 10 minutes and afterward carry it out once more. Put the wonderful side down. (Side that was cut with a blade) Snatch the finish of the mixture and spot it in the center.) Carry out the batter into an oval, around 1/8 inch thick. Scoop in around 1 tablespoon of the filling combination. Snatch the edges of the mixture and overlap them together. Crush the edges of the batter firmly and make lovely creases. Do everything and get ready.
7. Broil the wrapped curry puffs in hot oil, utilizing generally low intensity. Continue to turn it over until the sweet is a decent yellow tone. Then turn up the intensity prior to scooping it out (Tip: the moment curry won’t absorb the oil). Then scoop it up and deplete the oil. Prepared to serve

6. Khanom Mor Kaeng

Who needs to make Khanom Mor Curry to astound somebody unique? We might want to introduce a menu of taro curry dessert. Smooth and delicate taro meat joined with fun eggs finished off with seared onions. Delightful, sweet and fragrant.

Ingredients for Khanom Mor Kaeng Taro

5 duck eggs
β€’ 400 grams of coconut milk
β€’ 250 grams of palm sugar
β€’ 5 pandanus leaves
β€’ 300 grams of steamed taro
β€’ Fried shallots as desired (For sprinkling on dessert)
β€’ 1 tablespoon fried shallot oil.

How to make Khanom Mor Kaeng Phueak

1. Broil the shallots until brilliant brown and put away.
2. Blend eggs, coconut milk, palm sugar and pandan leaves and crush them together until the sugar breaks down. Put away.
3. Crush the steamed taro with a fork or processor until fine. Work until joined.
4. Strain the egg blend and fill the bowl of squashed taro. Add fragrant oil Mix until the fixings are consolidated. Scoop into a bowl and turn on the top-base intensity at 170 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes or until cooked. Sprinkle with seared onions

7. Custard

Sticky rice moon is waiting. You can eat it with hot steamed egg custard, or you can eat it on its own, however you like, or you can cut up pumpkin and add it in for a different kind of deliciousness.

Ingredients for egg custard

Β 10 eggs
β€’ 100 grams of palm sugar
β€’ 1 cup of coconut milk

How to make it Egg Custard

1. Mix eggs, palm sugar and coconut milk together. Filter through a sieve. Pour into a container for steaming.
2. Steam the custard for about 15 minutes or until cooked. Set aside until cool

8. Khanom Ping

Dust the oven and wait. I’ll use it to make a Khanom Ping menu. Crispy chews that melt in your mouth Who wants to add more candle smoke or not? I like it.

Ingredients of Khanom Ping

β€’ 500 grams of tapioca flour
β€’ 250 grams of coconut milk
β€’ 250 grams of white sugar
β€’ Egg yolks of 2 eggs

How to make Khanom Ping

1. Mix coconut milk with sugar, stir until dissolved, bring to a boil and simmer until it becomes asphalt. Lift and set aside to warm.
2. Once the coconut milk is warm, add the egg yolks and mix well, then gradually add the flour (some recipes may have the tapioca flour roasted first and then set aside. The snack will be crispier than if it wasn’t roasted.) Knead well until the dough is smooth. Set aside for 1 night, cover with plastic wrap.
3. In the morning, knead again and then shape into balls. Arrange on an oiled tray.
4. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 15 minutes, using top-bottom heat. Take out and let cool, then bake with candle smoke. When finished, store in a sealed container

9. Sampanni

I was destined to attempt the Sampanni menu once. Cook the flour to build firmness and add tones as you like. At last, press it into a beautiful shape to add shimmer.

Ingredients: Sampanni

2 cups sugar
β€’ 3 cups coconut milk
β€’ 5 cups tapioca flour
β€’ Food coloring as desired
β€’ Soft flour

How to make sampanni

1. Roast the flour in a pan over low heat until cooked. Notice that the dough will be slippery and not stick to the pan.
2. Mix sugar with coconut milk. Bring to a boil and stir until the sugar dissolves. Filter until smooth. When finished, put it on low heat. Simmer until it turns into a paste. Sift in the roasted flour. Stir to form lumps. Lift it up and turn on the fire again. Stir until dissolved and stir into a sifted ball. Add food coloring and stir until combined. Lift and leave until warm.
3. Sprinkle a thin layer of flour into the mold. Put the dessert in, press until tight, tap out and serve.

10. Turtle egg dessert, quail egg dessert


Quail eggs

Β Β Β Β  Set up a pan and prepare to fry the quail egg dessert menu. Grab the sweet potato flour mixture. Add lime water to increase crispness for a long time. Shape into rounds of the desired size. Once done, fry until cooked.

Ingredients for Quail Egg Snack

Β  Β  Β  β€’ 100 grams of tapioca flour
Β  Β  Β  β€’ All-purpose wheat flour or 25 grams of corn starch
Β  Β  Β  β€’ 1 teaspoon of baking powder
Β  Β  Β  β€’ 100 grams of granulated sugar
Β  Β  Β  β€’ 1/2 teaspoon of salt
Β  Β  Β  β€’ 350 grams of finely ground steamed
Β  Β  Β  sweet potato β€’ About 5 tablespoons of lime juice

How to make quail egg snacks

Β  Β  Β 1. Grind the steamed sweet potatoes until fine.
Β  Β  Β 2. Sift the cassava flour. Mix all-purpose flour and baking powder together, thenΒ add sugar and salt. Stir the ingredients together.

Β  Β  Β 3. Pour the flour mixture into the mashed sweet potatoes (divide into 3 times). Knead until combined.Β 
Β  Β  Β 4. Slowly add the lime water. Knead until the dough is smooth and not crumbly.Β 
Β  Β  Β 5. Shape into prepared balls.
Β  Β  Β 6. Heat the oil. Then fry the quail eggs over low heat. Stir with the snacks so they don’t burn. When frying until the dessert starts to turn yellow and fluffy. Then take a spatula to press and mash the dessert. To make the dessert fluffier and hollow. Once puffed and golden, you need to fry for another 5 minutes. Scoop out and place on a wire rack. Ready to serve

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