Depression Symptoms of depression

Depression Symptoms of depression

In Thailand, there are more and more patients with depression , and there are still many patients who do not see a doctor. Therefore, depression is an important issue that must be taken care of Depression Symptoms of depression

What is depression?
Despondency is a kind of mental problem. That makes patients have sicknesses in the body, psyche, and contemplations. These side effects will influence their everyday existence. Causes you to feel like you are unsettled There’s just tension. Thusly, wretchedness should be dealt with rapidly by counseling a therapist for sadness.
Depression, what are the causes?

Sadness is a mental illness brought about by an irregularity of a synthetic in the mind called serotonin . How much serotonin diminishes, making the patient feel wiped out in the body, psyche, and considerations, feeling deterred, forlorn, exhausted, and not having a good time. With life, not having the option to rest, awakening around midnight Regular bad dreams accordingly, the capacity to work is diminished

. The reasons for sadness come from many elements. both from hereditary qualities improvement of psyche and the climate that one experiences, for example, encountering weighty pressure or experiencing storms in life Persistently wiped out and drained Encountering misfortune throughout everyday life, for example, being isolated from guardians during youth, losing friends and family, family, losing an employment, monetary issues Needed to move house out of nowhere Associations with close individuals are not smooth. Also, assuming you experience those occasions or sentiments much of the time, they might set off sadness. Counting organic factors like changes in the levels of specific cerebrum synthetic compounds. It might likewise bring about melancholy. Likewise, hereditary variables are additionally a piece of the reasons for despondency. Since this sickness can be acquired hereditarily. However, it doesn’t intend that assuming there are family members who are And we will be as well. Since it relies upon whether the elements referenced above are invigorating it or not. Notwithstanding, ladies experience this condition 70% more frequently than men and it for the most part starts around the age of 32.


Depression symptoms are like this

Symptoms of depression may not be the same for each person. But most of the time it goes like this

+ having a depressed mood. (In children and teenagers it can be irritable.)

+ Significantly decreased interest or enjoyment in almost all activities

+ Significant loss or gain in weight. (weight changes more than 5 percent per month) or have anorexia or a large appetite +

insomnia or sleeping too much + restlessness, restlessness, or


+ fatigue, lack of energy

+ feeling worthless

+ decreased concentration, dizziness, or hesitation all

+ thinking about dying, thinking about dying

          * Must have at least one of the symptoms in items 1 or 2

* Must have symptoms for 2 weeks or more And these symptoms must be present almost all the time, almost every day. They don’t just come and go, they just disappear for a day or two and then come back again.

However, in patients with severe cases, one must be very careful. Because there is a very high chance of contemplating suicide. If something affects your mind just a little From the statistics it was found that More than 60 percent of those who commit suicide also suffer from depression.

However, how long these symptoms appear after the illness is unknown cannot be said. Because some people have been sick for 1-2 years before symptoms appear. But some people are sick for only 6 months before they know it. Therefore it can be cured.


Depression alternating with abnormally good moods (Bipolar disorder)

One more sort of temperament problem is bipolar turmoil. Individuals with this kind of sickness will have 2 sorts of side effects: sorrow and something contrary to melancholy. While having a burdensome episode, the patient has side effects like those of other wretchedness. Yet, while having the contrary side effects of misery (hyper episode), the patient is in a curiously positive mind-set, extremely blissful, rambles, and giggles. Brilliant, kind, squanders cash There are enormous ventures springing up in my mind. Certain individuals are forceful and approach slowing down others. Individuals have a ton of sexual longing. Certain individuals additionally have misleading hallucinations, for example, thinking they are Superman coming to save the world

. This sort of discouragement exchanging with curiously positive temperaments requires different medication treatment than ordinary melancholy. Hence, while experiencing a patient with misery Specialists will frequently inquire as to whether you have at any point had a time of curiously positive mind-set. To assist with separating illness accurately

Are you depressed or not?


Depression test You can evaluate it yourself.

If you suspect that you or someone close to you may have symptoms of depression. Take a look at the following test. From the Department of Mental Health Ministry of Public Health That will help us initially diagnose whether you are suffering from depression or not. By answering the question: During the past 2 weeks, Do you have any symptoms or thoughts like this?

1. Feeling discouraged. (practically the entire day)

2. Feeling hopeless with the eventual result of needing to cry.

3. Feeling sad

. 4. Feeling despondent and having some good times with the things you used to like and have done

. 5. Feeling disheartened in yourself. Furthermore, fault what occurred.

6. Feeling a deficiency of self-assurance

. 7. Wanting to be distant from everyone else and not having any desire to be related with anybody.

8. Feeling useless

. 9. Can’t imagine anything

. 10. Disregard without any problem

. 11. Think gradually. 12. Do things more

languidly, slowly than expected.

13. Feel effectively exhausted, as though you have no energy

. 14. Feel anorexia. Eating not exactly previously

. 15. Resting and awakening, not resting soundly.

How can depression be treated?

Treat depression with medication

The flow fundamental treatment is Giving medication for discouragement There are many sorts of upper medications. There are the two sorts that make you tired and those that don’t. Antidepressants are not habit-forming. Furthermore, patients can quit taking the medication when it’s as of now excessive

. Antidepressants don’t just work to reduce anxiety. But it will really work to relieve the depressive mood. However, this type of drug will act rather slowly. You must take the medicine continuously for at least 2-3 weeks before you start to see your mood improve. And it usually takes 4-6 weeks for the drug to take full effect. When cured, the patient will return to his old self. And the doctor will continue giving the medicine for at least 6 months, but in frequent cases the doctor may consider giving the medicine for longer.

Treat depression without drugs

Change your contemplations and beat bitterness

Individuals who are miserable are negative. Furthermore, cynical individuals effectively become discouraged. A cycle makes sorrow keep going for quite a while. In this manner, when burdensome side effects happen Have the patient quit feeling miserable briefly and glance back at what happened a little while ago. Also, when that occurred, what contemplations streaked to him? Then attempt to consider how right that thought is. On the off chance that you can imagine how irrational it is, your temperament will promptly get to the next level. Basically until I unintentionally consider something negative once more. Yet, looking at this logically and feel that it is sensible. Then contemplate some solution besides.

* Change your way of behaving.

Individuals who are in wretchedness frequently don’t have any desire to do anything, lose energy, sit and rests, yet their cerebrum continues to think and they frequently think just awful things. The more they think, the more they can’t get up. Settle it by tracking down something to do. Track down something that you can do with wood. It doesn’t need to be a significant work. You can do it such that makes it usable, for example, coordinating jumbled cupboards or drawers, taking broken things to attempt to fix them, cleaning down the vehicle, watering the plants, assuming control over crafted by the workers, and so on to occupy yourself. High considerations will diminish and your temperament will get to the next level.

In severe cases or at high risk of suicide, the doctor will provide electroconvulsive therapy. The machine sends electric current through the brain causing the patient to have convulsions. Depression will quickly disappear. (in about 1 week) Current electroconvulsive therapy is very safe. But because society receives incorrect information from various media, this type of treatment is less widely accepted. Doctors will therefore use this type of treatment only in cases where it is truly necessary.


Good reasons why you should treat 

1. You’ll sleep better Depression can cause you to fall asleep or wake up earlier than usual. The next day you will be even more tired. And depression will become more severe because of your lack of sleep.

2. Your love life will improve. Some antidepressants can impair your libido, but often it’s depression that sabotages your love life. Studies have shown that over 70% of patients lose interest in sex if they do not receive medication. Treatment will help you feel more confident in yourself as well.

3. Pain relief. Treating depression will not only make you feel Good and also helps relieve pain. Many studies indicate that people with symptoms such as joint pain or migraines You will feel more pain if you are depressed.

4. Work better. Because if you are depressed You may not be able to concentrate at work and often make mistakes.

5. Sharper brain, better memory. Depression can cause changes in areas of the brain related to memory and decision-making. But don’t worry because these symptoms can be treated.

6. Happy family. How often have you gotten so angry that you turned on the people around you and later regretted it? This treatment will help you become more stable. and reduce tension in the family

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