10 types of headaches. Treat them right to the point.

 The headaches that we all suffer from actually have many causes. Each cause has different treatments. Check and see what type of headache you have.

have a headache

         Headache is a common ailment that can happen to everyone. But have you ever noticed that Each headache has small differences that can be noticed. The website Health.com said that the severity of headache symptoms is because headaches can actually be divided into 14 types as follows.

1. Rebound headache


          Headache almost every day. Especially after waking up The pain may be in the temple area or the entire head. As for the severity, it depends on each person’s symptoms.

          * Cause:

          Rebound headaches are caused by taking too many painkillers. Especially pain relievers such as acetaminophen. (Acetaminophen) or Tylenol, aspirin, and ibuprofen more than 2 times per week Including migraine medicine (Triptans) for more than 10 days per month. Which is when we take painkillers for a long time until the body gets used to it. The pain will be suppressed by the medicine. But once the effect of the drug in the body was gone The headache returns and symptoms appear again immediately.

          * How to treat

          this type of headache can only be done by consulting a doctor. So that the doctor can balance the amount of medicine in our body.

headache from stress
2. Tension headaches

* The reason

is from stress. Tension A sensation of strain in something that makes the muscles in the body contract. or on the other hand in any event, sitting and lying in some unacceptable position Utilizing your eyes excessively and, surprisingly, in rooms with very chilly temperatures It makes the muscles around the neck fix and influence the cerebrum. Can prompt migraines too.

* The most effective method to treat it

: At first, it tends to be treated with pain relievers like Tylenol, anti-inflamatory medicine, and ibuprofen. Or on the other hand you can go for a back rub to loosen up your muscles too. Be that as it may, how much pain relievers to take ought to be exhorted by a specialist and drug specialist.

3. Headaches due to dental problems (Dental headache)

* Migraine side effects

can be felt on the two sides. or on the other hand one side Yet the side effects that can be noticed are the aggravation as though there is a stuck thing in the head, torment around the eyeball, torment along the facial structure and facial structure. Certain individuals may likewise have teeth crushing around evening time. furthermore, could feel the aggravation in his mind when he contacted his temple with his hand. Likewise, when the mouth is opened, there might be a delicate snapping sound that can be heard.

* The reason

is an issue with irregularities of the temporomandibular joint that causes strange chomps. Until it causes the muscles that ought to be refreshed to need to work ordinarily more diligently. After some time, exhaustion signals become cerebral pains.

* Treatment technique

The best way to lessen cerebral pains from this cause is to counsel a dental specialist. With the goal that the specialist can analyze your strange condition and figure out how to treat you further. This might require x-beams of the jaw joints. What’s more, investigate irregularities of contact with the teeth that have issues.

4. Cluster Headache (Cluster Headache)


           : Each headache will not last for a long time, about 5 minutes or up to 3 hours, but you will feel a headache. Tortured, like dying. And the pain will occur frequently but at certain times. and often have tears on one side and broken blood vessels in the eye Causes red eyes.

          * The cause

          is due to an abnormality of the pineal gland and the nucleus (Nucleus) of the 5th brain nerve cell, which causes the hormone and neurotransmitter delivery system to be disrupted. Affects the automatic senses that control the functioning of the salivary glands, tear glands, and mucus to malfunction. Including the release of certain chemicals into the outer membrane of the brain (Dura), causing headaches at a later time. *

          How to treat

          cluster headaches can be treated and relieved by using tryptant drugs. (Triptan) or migraine medicine And you can inhale 10 liters of oxygen through an oxygen mask.

5. Migraine headaches (Migraine)

Side effects

incorporate a one-sided migraine, extreme torment. In extreme cases, unsteadiness and heaving might happen. Or on the other hand certain individuals might have a migraine on the two sides, yet the torment is pounding persistently for quite a while. Nonetheless, headache migraines are a sort of ongoing cerebral pain sickness.

* Causes

The reasons for headaches are not yet known. In any case, they will generally incline towards transitory irregularities of the mind’s veins and cerebrum synthetic compounds. which is likewise a consequence of the gathering of pressure eating conduct and inadequate reprieve for quite a while too.

* Strategy for treatment

: at first you can take medication to ease torment. utilizing pain relievers like Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and Triptan or headache drugs Notwithstanding, you ought to look for treatment from a specialist in another manner.


6. Headaches from caffeine (Caffeine headache)


          include a dull, heavy headache as if the body did not get enough rest. Some people may also experience dizziness. Or you feel pain in your eye socket all the time.

          * Cause

          : The name clearly indicates that the cause of the headache occurs because of the effect of caffeine. Which comes from the coffee that you like to drink, especially for those who drink more than 5 cups of coffee per day, this type of headache will come and threaten you soon. * How to treat it, besides

          taking general

          painkillers. Another way to relieve headaches is to reduce your caffeine intake. That means that you have to gradually reduce the amount of coffee each day to just 2 cups per day.

7. Orgasm headaches


          Sudden sharp pain in the head. It usually occurs near orgasm or in some cases may cause pain before and after sex. Relationships can be It is more likely to occur in men than women. The pain can be constant for 1 hour to 1 day.

          * Cause

          : There is no clear evidence about the cause of this type of headache. But the noticeable thing is that the pain will automatically disappear. And it may not happen every time you have sex.

          * How to treat it

          because the cause of the symptoms is still not known. Initially, all you could do was take medicine to relieve the pain. And if you want to protect Medical experts also recommend taking painkillers 1-2 hours before intercourse. At the same time, try not to rush the rhythm of your movements too violently.

morning headache
8. Early morning headaches

Side effects

incorporate a pulsating cerebral pain each day subsequent to awakening. Certain individuals will feel weighty as though they can’t get up.

* Causes

The reasons for the infection are broadly examined on the grounds that it could be one of the indications of headaches, stress illnesses, and cerebral pains because of dental medical conditions. Or on the other hand not getting sufficient rest.

* The most effective method to treat it

: The most ideal way is to plainly notice your own side effects. On the off chance that you have a migraine for quite a while, you should make sure to tell your PCP. To give data to specialists to make a more exact conclusion. What’s more, in the event that you have extreme agony Taking pain relievers doesn’t help. You might have to go through a mind sweep to see whether there is a cerebrum growth.

9. Sinus headaches


          : Sinusitis headaches are similar to common colds and migraine headaches. So much so that it’s almost impossible to tell them apart. But for people who already have sinus disease, they may have guessed that You yourself probably have a headache from the effects of sinusitis. Which most people will feel a slight pain in the forehead area. The eyes are hot. It has spread all the way to the cheekbones.

          * The cause

          is caused by inflammation in the nasal membrane area. This affects the muscles in that part to contract and may cause you to feel a headache.

          * How to treat it

          : Usually, if the sinus disease is treated, it will be cured normally. The headache will disappear at the same time. or some cases where sinus symptoms are not severe The body will be able to heal itself without relying on any medicine.

have a headache
10. Headache from drinking very cold food (Ice cream headache)
sudden sharp pain in the brain when eating very cold food, such as ice cream or ice cold water .

Most often they feel a sharp pain in their temples. Or some people may have pain all over their head. And in migraine patients, pain can be felt faster and more intensely than in normal people.

          * Cause:

          Our body has an automatic defense mechanism against foreign objects. Eating very cold ice cream while the body is warm is no exception. So when we eat very cold ice cream, The blood vessels in the palate will immediately react. To prevent extreme cold from affecting the brain It causes the blood vessels that connect directly to the brain to pump blood so quickly that it causes sharp pain in the brain.

          * How to treat it

:           Stop eating ice cream first. Then drink warm water to relax the constricted blood vessels. Also, slowly eat the ice cream and leave the ice cream on your tongue for a while to allow your body to adjust its temperature first. which can help relieve and prevent headaches as well.

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