What are the symptoms of ovarian cancer? Know this, watch out, and observe yourself.

What are the symptoms of ovarian cancer? Know this, watch out, and observe yourself.

 What are ovaries? What important functions are there in the female body?
Ovaries are one of the female sexual organs. It looks like an almond seed. It has a general size of about 2-3 centimeters and is located on both sides of the uterus. Its main function is to produce eggs for fertilization with the male’s sperm until they become embryos that are implanted in the uterine cavity. Another important function is to produce female hormones.

Ovarian cancer

How many types of ovarian cancer are there?

          We can classify the types of ovarian cancer according to the initial location of the cancer cells into 3 groups:

1. Epithelial Tumors: Cancer of the ovarian epithelium
It begins in the epithelial cells of the ovary and abdominal cavity. It is the most common group, accounting for approximately 90% of ovarian cancers.
 2. Germ Cell Tumors: Ovarian cancer
is the start of a cancer that emerges from the essential microorganism cell. It is seen as in 5-10% of ovarian malignant growths. Frequently tracked down in ladies under 20 years old.
3. Sex Cord-Stromal Tumors: Ovarian cancer
Starting at the connective tissue of the ovary. which produces female chemicals The opportunity is exceptionally uncommon.
          All 3 groups above can also spread to other areas of the body, which is called metastatic ovarian cancer.
What are the causes of ovarian cancer?

The exact cause of ovarian cancer may not be known. But the following factors were found that may cause ovarian cancer:

           1. Environment such as chemicals, food, because it was found that in industrialized countries there are more patients with ovarian cancer than in agricultural countries.

           2. Women without children. or have few children.

           3. People who have had breast cancer. Cervical cancer and gastrointestinal cancer The chance of having ovarian cancer may be higher than normal people.

Ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer: Who is at risk?

          In addition to factors that may cause ovarian cancer, There are also the following risk factors that may increase the chance of girls getting ovarian cancer:


66% of ovarian disease patients have a typical age of 55 years or more established, yet ovarian malignant growth can be tracked down in young ladies previously or after adulthood. 10 years of age too

2. Family ancestry

Particularly ladies who have a mother, sister, grandma, auntie or uncle with ovarian disease. There will be a higher gamble of ovarian disease.

3. Hereditary Changes:

Individuals who have changes in 1 of the 2 bosom disease qualities, BRCA1 and BRCA2, have a higher gamble of ovarian malignant growth.

4. Bosom, colon, or endometrial disease sores

Ladies with one of these diseases They are at higher gamble of creating ovarian malignant growth.

5. Labor:

Ladies who have brought forth no less than one kid, particularly before age 30, have a lower hazard of ovarian disease than ladies who have had numerous youngsters. furthermore, breastfeeding Found to have a lower chance of ovarian malignant growth.

6. Stoutness:

Ladies with a weight record (BMI) of 30 or higher may have a higher gamble of ovarian disease.

7. Chemical substitution treatment (HRT)

A few examinations have shown that The connection between chemical substitution treatment (HRT) and ovarian malignant growth This hazard gives off an impression of being more noteworthy for ladies who have utilized estrogen alone for over 5 years, however more exploration is required. What are the

 symptoms of ovarian cancer? What signals can you check?

As said, ovarian cancer can be quite difficult to detect. Until I realized that I had ovarian cancer at a deep stage, so ladies, you need to check your symptoms carefully. Especially if you have the following symptoms Be suspicious first

          – Regular bloating

          – There is a lump in the abdomen or pelvic cavity. Therefore, it may cause abdominal distension or pain.

          – The lump may press on the distal colon. causing a feeling of pain Inconvenient or difficult defecation

          – when the tumor grows Will press on the bladder Causes frequent and difficult urination

          – when cancer cells have spread to the abdominal cavity. May cause ascites. This will make you appear fatter. The belly is bigger than before

          – Loss of appetite, emaciation, weight loss

          – May have irregular menstruation. Some people may experience changes in their body, such as having a gruff voice, having a mustache, or growing hair on their bodies similar to men. This is because ovarian cancer causes the body to produce abnormal hormones

          – in some cases there may be no symptoms at all. The doctor may accidentally detect a lump in the lower abdomen.

Internal examination

How is ovarian malignant growth analyzed and recognized?

In the event that you suspect you might have ovarian malignant growth You can get determined to have ovarian disease as follows:

1. Pelvic Test:

Look at the stomach and pelvic region to track down knots. Imaging innovation is acquainted with assistance make the assessment more itemized and understood.

2. Making a Pap smear.

From the upper vagina to the back which might track down malignant growth cells.

3. Transvaginal ultrasound

, utilizing a long, slim test embedded into the vagina. Can see the uterus and anomalies behind the uterus.

4. Check CA-125.

On the off chance that the CA-125 level is higher than ordinary, it might demonstrate ovarian disease. However, there are different illnesses too in which CA-125 can be high, so extra testing is required.

5. CT check

to see point by point pictures inside the body.

6. Barium purification

is a X-beam of the lower gastrointestinal system with rectal purification of radiopaque substance.

7. Intravenous pyelogram

is a x-beam to take a gander at the kidneys, ureters, and bladder.

8. Stomach a medical procedure.

In this technique, a biopsy is taken and sent for neurotic assessment. It is viewed as the most reliable determination of infection. Makes it conceivable to know the sort and phase of disease:

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