Edema or obesity makes you wonder. How can you fix it to get rid of the swelling?

Edema or obesity makes you wonder. How can you fix it to get rid of the swelling?

What is edema?
Edema is a condition wherein the body stores a lot of water in its cells. Subsequently, the cells become recognizably enlarged. Certain individuals have an enlarged face, enlarged eyes, a swelled stomach, or enlarged arms, legs, feet, and so forth.
What is the cause of edema?
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Normally, our body already has a mechanism to maintain water balance in our cells.ย However, there are many factors that cause the body to lose balance in maintaining water levels in cells.ย The most common causes of edema are as follows.
1. Eat too much sodium
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Sodium is a seasoning in ready-to-eat foods, snacks, instant noodles, processed foods, frozen foods, and almost all foods that contain MSG.ย When we eat a lot, we feel thirsty.ย Until you have to drink a lot of water, causing the body to retain too much water.ย It takes several hours for the kidneys to excrete it.ย Therefore causing edema.
2. Sitting, standing or lying down too much.
The body’s idleness adds to liquid maintenance in the body’s cells. Particularly any individual who represents quite a while will see that their feet are enlarged. Or on the other hand individuals who sit for quite a while without getting up. The two feet and legs may likewise have edema.
3. Edema from hormones.

ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  During those days of the month, hormones in the body fluctuate.ย This causes bloating and swelling because the body retains more fluid than normal.
4. Drink less water.
Try not to be tricked into imagining that drinking a little water will assist with decreasing edema. Since the more water the body gets, addressing its needs isn’t sufficient. The more sodium from the food you eat, the more it won’t be discharged. Coming about in effectively causing edema.
5. Lack of sleep.

ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Getting a good night’s sleep will help support the normal functioning of various body processes.ย But whenever we get little sleep, don’t get enough sleep, or go without sleep for many days in a row, it can cause various systems in the body to become disorganized.ย Especially people who sleep late, eat late, eat heavily, eat mostly junk food.ย In this case, you will encounter more edema.ย 
6. Medicine
A few brands of contraception pills that contain elevated degrees of estrogen can cause edema in ladies, as well as steroids. What’s more, specific sorts of drugs may likewise set off edema. Notwithstanding,
ย ย edema usually occurs in the body for a short period of time because the body has its own balancing mechanisms.ย But for people who have had swelling for more than 2 weeks, there may be other reasons hidden.ย Because some diseases can cause edema, such as heart disease, because blood circulation is inconvenient, causing edema to occur, kidney disease, cirrhosis of the liver, lymphatic filariasis, thyroid disease, and abnormal lymph node function.ย including conditions where there is low protein in the bloodย Causes a buildup of salt and water.ย So don’t be complacent.ย But you should see a doctor to find out the cause of your edema as soon as possible.
Check to be sure if you are fat or edematous.
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย It’s not difficult to distinguish whether you’re really fat or just swollen.
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  1. There is sudden swelling even though your eating habits are the same.

2. Utilize your fingers to push within your lower legs, on the rear of your feet, or on your shins. for around 15 seconds and notice regardless of whether the tissue has apparently dimpled. In the event that the scratch is a furrow with your finger squeezed into it. It truly intends that there is edema. Be that as it may, in the event that the tissue is tight and doesn’t make a gouge, it implies you’re fat.

3. The expanding doesn’t keep going long. Furthermore, it for the most part disappears all alone. Once more, it can expand.

How to cure edema, what should you do?

1. Lessen pungent food, decrease hot food.

2. Lessen handled food sources Prepared to-eat food and a wide range of low quality food Including cocktails.

3. Hydrate to address your body’s issues. You ought to hydrate each day in little tastes. To adjust how much water in the body Then water will help us pee and weaken the pungency from the body quicker.

4. Work-out routinely to cause the body to discharge sodium through sweat.

5. Get sufficient rest

. 6. Lay down with your feet raised higher than your head. This permits the water that gathers in the legs and feet to stream back to the kidneys. Sit tight for it to handily be eliminated more.


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